
At Cardinal Langley we work in partnership with parents to develop young adults with the essential skills, vital experience and moral values to make a positive difference in our society.


‘The task of a teacher is not simply to impart information, or to provide skills intended to deliver some economic benefit to society; education is not and must never be considered as purely utilitarian. It is about forming the human person, equipping him or her to live life to the full – in short it is about imparting wisdom. And true wisdom is inseparable from knowledge of the Creator’

Pope Benedict, Address to Catholic Teachers 2012

Whole School Curriculum Vision

At Cardinal Langley we offer a challenging, well sequenced curriculum which is broad and balanced focusing on breadth before depth, promoting the development of new knowledge and skills and focussing on the essential elements of literacy and numeracy. Pupil progress is achieved through high quality teaching and access to a range of engaging learning opportunities enabling pupils to move successfully to the next stage in their education or career path.

The curriculum is designed to enable all pupils to:

  • make outstanding progress in their learning, regardless of ability, gender, social background or ethnic origin;
  • be engaged in a curriculum enriched with memorable experiences and rich in opportunities for learning;
  • learn, with teachers, in an environment which is mutually respectful and promotes a shared enjoyment of learning;
  • develop social attitudes and behaviours founded upon the values of respect, responsibility and resilience;
  • develop transferable skills and attitudes necessary to thrive as an active citizen in the 21st century.

Key Stage 3

Our 3-year Entitlement Curriculum is designed to be a broad curriculum that enthuses and inspires our learners, exemplifies academic excellence and prepares them for the challenges of Key Stage 4 and beyond. It uses the National Curriculum as a base and provides a range of additional opportunities which complement and broaden the curriculum further, the majority of which are funded by the school so that no student is disadvantaged due to social background.

We believe that the range of subjects studied at Key Stage 3 supports the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our students. Our Key Stage 3 offer builds confidence in our young people and allows them to develop individual interests, ready to specialise in subjects in which they excel and enjoy at Key Stage 4.

Year 7 Entitlement Curriculum 2023.24
Year 8 Entitlement Curriculum 2023.24
Year 9 Entitlement Curriculum 2023.24

During the spring term of Year 9, students make choices for the courses that they will study in Years 10 & 11.

Key Stage 4

All students study core subjects of English, Maths, Science & Religious Education. Everyone will also study Life Skills and Physical Education which continue to promote the physical and emotional wellbeing of our students as they prepare for work and college. The majority of students opt to study Geography or History (or both) and all students are encouraged to continue learning a Modern Foreign Language. There are also a wide range of optional subjects that students can choose to take with students taking a standard number of 9 GCSEs.

Key Stage 5

We are the only school with a Sixth Form in the borough and are proud of the 11-19 educational journey that we can offer. We offer a mainly academic curriculum which is designed to prepare young people for university, apprenticeships or employment. When you choose to enrol with us we understand how important it is that you make the right choices in terms of what subjects to study and have a range of pathways to ensure you are guided towards the courses that are right for you. Further information regarding the opportunities available in Cardinal Langley Sixth Form can be found at We work closely with Rochdale Sixth Form College and Hopwood Hall College as part of the local post-16 guarantee to all young people in the area.

For further information about our curriculum offer please contact Mrs C Knight or Mr A Greaves.

Remote Learning Information for Parents

Subject Key Stage 3Key Stage 4Sixth Form
Business Studies & Economics
Computing, Media & IT
Design & Technology
Life Skills
Modern Foreign Languages
Social Sciences
Sport & Physical Education