Year 7 Transition
Dear Parent/Carer,
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you and your child into the Cardinal Langley family and to meeting you at our various transition events over the summer.
School Handbook
Please find the Year 7 School Handbook, below. This contains information which will help you prepare for child’s transition to high school:
Year 7 Handbook 2024-25
New Student Information/Registration Form
This form collects the information we need to register your child on our system in preparation for the transition events in the summer term and starting with us in September.
Please use this link to complete the form online: New Student Information/Registration Form
Please note: We need you to complete this form by Friday 24th May.
We advise you to read the school handbook before you complete the form.
Transition Induction Day for Year 6 Students – Tuesday 2nd July, starting at 8:20am
Tuesday 2nd July is the Transition Induction Day for all Year 6 children across the borough of Rochdale. Your child’s primary school will be aware that your child will be here at Cardinal Langley RC High School on this day.
- Children should arrive at Cardinal Langley for 8:20am and should be dressed in their primary school uniform.
- Children will be taking part in some PE activities, so they are allowed to wear trainers for the day.
- Children will need to bring writing equipment with them.
- Children will be welcomed on arrival and accompanied to the Chapel where they will be given further information about the day’s events.
- All children will be provided with toast and a drink at break time and with a school meal at lunchtime (or they can bring their own packed lunch) – so they will not need any dinner money.
- There are water fountains around school should children wish to bring a re-fillable water bottle.
- It is important that we know about any medical conditions or allergies, etc. If you have not yet returned the pupil information form giving us this information, please do this now via the following link: New Student Information/Registration Form . The school handbook to which it refers con be found here Year 7 Handbook 2024-25 . If you are having problems completing the online form, please let us know.
- The day will end at approximately 2:20pm. If your child has a brother or sister who already attends Cardinal Langley and can collect them at the end of the day, we would ask that they meet in the school hall at 2:30pm.
- If you are dropping off or picking up your child by car, please do not drive onto the school premises as space is very limited. Also, please do not obstruct the bus bays, cycle lanes or residential driveways nearby.
- Information regarding school bus services can be found on the following page of the school website: https://www.clrchs.co.uk/parents-students/school-bus-services/
Transition Meeting for Parents/Carers
We would like to invite parents and carers to our Welcome Evening on Tuesday 2nd July 2024, starting at 6:00pm.
Please note that is just for parents and carers, not for your child.
It is very important that you attend this event as you will be given key information about your child’s move up to Cardinal Langley in September.
You will also have the chance to meet members of staff, who will be able to answer any questions you might have about the school and the process of settling into secondary school life.
If arriving by car, there is ample parking at the rear of the school. Please show courtesy to our neighbours when parking and do not block their driveways.
Transition Summer School 2024: We are also planning a summer school as part of the transition process. All children are encouraged to join us for 2 days of fun activities on either Tuesday 20th & Wednesday 21st August 2024 or Thursday 22nd & Friday 23rd August 2024. Similar events have been run in the past and have greatly helped children to settle in to their new environment. Please indicate whether your child will be able to attend, and your preferred days, using the following link:
Transition Summer School Application Form
If your child attends for the full 2 days of the summer school, you will be issued with a voucher to cover the cost of a school blazer.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Foster, who is our Primary Liaison Coordinator here in school.
Yours faithfully,
Mr A Bridson